formes new mecosmeo
Studio Nailforms / Templates 18,90 â‚¬ inkl. MwSt.
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Rubbertool SPITZ 9,90 â‚¬ inkl. MwSt.


24,90 â‚¬ inkl. MwSt.

SKU: 0df387c3726f Categories: ,

The pinching of nails has now "arrived" in almost all nail studios. By pinching the nails (lengthening) - whether with PF or gel - you get a perfect tunnel and the nail is modelled more durably. Your customers are also very pleased, as they can admire a narrower result after pinching if the nail bed is relatively wide. Our pinch stick set consists of 3 pinch sticks with rhinestone filling, which can be used on both sides and thus have 6 different sizes. pink: 10/9 mm, green: 8/7 mm, taupe: 6/5 mm diameter.

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